Whisper of the heart

Without yourself, you are alone...

Thursday, July 21, 2005

AP Kings

I don't understand why all the hype about APs..we have been enjoying resonably priced imported cars all these while..all thanks to the AP Kings. Now with the AP system made public, prices of the cars will definately be hiked up to unbeleivable prices.
Mahathir brought up this issue to save his beloved,almost crumbling company, Proton. And the public seem to be shouting along with him, not realising the true agenda behind it.
Now with this outcry, average earners can kiss goodbye to imported cars and say hello to Proton. With the likes of Proton Savvy and Gen 2, deemed worst cars of the year, i'm pretty sure all of us will have a good ride home.
Rafidah maybe crying now, but she's probably crying at our stupidity. In 1 months time, when all the imported cars are no longer available and we are stuck with proton, let's see who will be crying next..
The government seem to be serving everything Mahathir wishes in a golden platter..until it makes me wonder, who is actually ruling the country? Pak Lah the puppet? Mahathir, puppet show master?
Go figure.