Whisper of the heart

Without yourself, you are alone...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Fat hope. Slim chance.

Right now, I’m just hoping for something so much, it almost breaks my heart knowing for a fact that there is 99% chance that I might never get it.

It’s even harder to be optimistic; to take it easy, and to keep telling myself that if I don’t get it, it means something else has been planned for me and it’s for the best.

Every other plan has been put on standstill as I’m still hoping for the slim slipping chance that somehow Lady Luck would be smiling and give me what I long for.

Life seems to be unfair. Stuck with something that I don’t really fancy and hoping for a slim chance at something that I really want.

Sometimes I feel selfish and stupid. It’s as if I am not appreciating what I already have. I should count my blessings but it doesn’t help when I wake up in the morning with no enthusiasm, nothing to look forward to. I want to go back, but I can’t find my way. I am lost and the only path to escape seems to be blocked. The others, blunt dead ends.