Varuna and Muruga
I received this email at work.

Tiruchendur LordMuruganTemple is on the sea shore - within 100 metres of the waves. The Temple is a cave with the entrance at the sea level and the cave inside is sliding down to the Sanctum Sanctorum of the LorSubramaniam ( Murugan ) . When we stand in front of the deity, the sea water level outside is higher than our heads. There is every likely hood that tidal waves and tsunamis can rush in and fill the cave Temple with sea water. In the history of the Temple, it is mentioned
that the Water God ( Lord Varuna ) has promised Lord Murugan that he will not cross the boundary of the Temple.
It seems the Water God has kept his promise. While the tsunami on 26/12/04 has lashed the eastern coast of India and inundated all places near the coast deeply, the sea water did not enter the Temple. At 10.00 Hrs on the fated day ( 26/12/04), the sea near the temple receded by a Kilometre - people could see there a big crater with rocks visible - gradually the sea came back to its normal position.
All other coastal areas near Tiruchendur were affected by the lashing of tsunami. The Temple area is unaffected as the sea receded there as though to keep the promise
I'm not sure how far it's true but the story was interesting.
Pretty creative to put certain gods to represent certain elements of
the world, huh?Varuna for water, Indra for sun, Yagni for fire (correct me
if I'm wrong).
I have always been fascinated by Lord Varuna, the water god. For those
of you who don't know who he is, perhaps Neptune rings a better bell. Why?
Because he is mystic, no one knows much about him and he's ever so
powerful. Like what Leena said in her blog, you can fight fire with
water but what do you fight water with?
I was talking to my Chinese collegue today and i was pretty suprised
that he knows a lot about Indian stories. My grandma told me this story years back and this Chinese guy told me the same story, although he connected it with
Thaipusam...(dont ask me how)
Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi are husband and wife. Once Parvathi
went to bathe and no one was there to guard the enterance of her house. So she
created a boy from 'santhanam'(sandal wood powder) and asked the boy to
guard the enterance of her house and never let anyone in. Lord Shiva at
that time, went hunting and upon returning, he wanted to enter his
house and his way was blocked by the boy since his 'mother' had asked him
never to let anyone in.
Eventually Lord Shiva was so angry that he took out his sword and
beheaded the boy. The impact was so hard that the head flew to the 7th planet of
the galaxy. Parvathi, upon hearing the commotion outside, came out and saw
her 'son' without his head. She was so angry and asked Shiva to return with
her son's head. Shiva went searching and the first thing he tumbled upon
was an elephant so he beheaded the elephant and fixed it on the boy. And
there,our elephant god, Ganesha was born.
Wondered by Ganesha has one broken tusk? It was broken off and given to
a great sage (i dunno his name)to write the Mahabaratham epic.
I'm writing this in my company email system actually. So free, nothing
to do today. Boss not around, he he!
Between, i have started talking to the indian lady. She calls me 'moi'
and always asks if i had eaten or not.
Finally, i freaked out while driving today. While taking a corner, i
wanted to change gear from gear 4 to gear 2 but it didnt enter properly. i
tried so many times but the gear stubbornly remained in free state. the car
slowed down, i didnt know what to do, panicked, almost wanted to cry
and finally signalled to the side, stopped for a while and resumed back the
journey, praying it wont happen again. hope it doesnt do the same thing
again, it's so freaky. well, i hope i will return home safely today.
Well, if you are reading this post today, that means i'm still

Tiruchendur LordMuruganTemple is on the sea shore - within 100 metres of the waves. The Temple is a cave with the entrance at the sea level and the cave inside is sliding down to the Sanctum Sanctorum of the LorSubramaniam ( Murugan ) . When we stand in front of the deity, the sea water level outside is higher than our heads. There is every likely hood that tidal waves and tsunamis can rush in and fill the cave Temple with sea water. In the history of the Temple, it is mentioned
that the Water God ( Lord Varuna ) has promised Lord Murugan that he will not cross the boundary of the Temple.
It seems the Water God has kept his promise. While the tsunami on 26/12/04 has lashed the eastern coast of India and inundated all places near the coast deeply, the sea water did not enter the Temple. At 10.00 Hrs on the fated day ( 26/12/04), the sea near the temple receded by a Kilometre - people could see there a big crater with rocks visible - gradually the sea came back to its normal position.
All other coastal areas near Tiruchendur were affected by the lashing of tsunami. The Temple area is unaffected as the sea receded there as though to keep the promise
I'm not sure how far it's true but the story was interesting.
Pretty creative to put certain gods to represent certain elements of
the world, huh?Varuna for water, Indra for sun, Yagni for fire (correct me
if I'm wrong).
I have always been fascinated by Lord Varuna, the water god. For those
of you who don't know who he is, perhaps Neptune rings a better bell. Why?
Because he is mystic, no one knows much about him and he's ever so
powerful. Like what Leena said in her blog, you can fight fire with
water but what do you fight water with?
I was talking to my Chinese collegue today and i was pretty suprised
that he knows a lot about Indian stories. My grandma told me this story years back and this Chinese guy told me the same story, although he connected it with
Thaipusam...(dont ask me how)
Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi are husband and wife. Once Parvathi
went to bathe and no one was there to guard the enterance of her house. So she
created a boy from 'santhanam'(sandal wood powder) and asked the boy to
guard the enterance of her house and never let anyone in. Lord Shiva at
that time, went hunting and upon returning, he wanted to enter his
house and his way was blocked by the boy since his 'mother' had asked him
never to let anyone in.
Eventually Lord Shiva was so angry that he took out his sword and
beheaded the boy. The impact was so hard that the head flew to the 7th planet of
the galaxy. Parvathi, upon hearing the commotion outside, came out and saw
her 'son' without his head. She was so angry and asked Shiva to return with
her son's head. Shiva went searching and the first thing he tumbled upon
was an elephant so he beheaded the elephant and fixed it on the boy. And
there,our elephant god, Ganesha was born.
Wondered by Ganesha has one broken tusk? It was broken off and given to
a great sage (i dunno his name)to write the Mahabaratham epic.
I'm writing this in my company email system actually. So free, nothing
to do today. Boss not around, he he!
Between, i have started talking to the indian lady. She calls me 'moi'
and always asks if i had eaten or not.
Finally, i freaked out while driving today. While taking a corner, i
wanted to change gear from gear 4 to gear 2 but it didnt enter properly. i
tried so many times but the gear stubbornly remained in free state. the car
slowed down, i didnt know what to do, panicked, almost wanted to cry
and finally signalled to the side, stopped for a while and resumed back the
journey, praying it wont happen again. hope it doesnt do the same thing
again, it's so freaky. well, i hope i will return home safely today.
Well, if you are reading this post today, that means i'm still
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