A heart that spites

I’m not exactly sure why I actually sat down today to update my blog but there’s a lot to be said and I just want to say it.
First of all, I just logged in to some friends database and I saw a list of people who had viewed me and out popped a picture of a darned excuse of a human which triggered a whole load of sad memories and a heart full of old revenge. (No, that person is not in my friend’s list if that’s what you are worried about ;-)) People have hurt me before, many times, and eventually I learnt to forget and just wipe out their memories. Even their faces or whatever they say never really affect me anymore but this one face, this lame face keeps triggering a shitload of spite, anger and resentment in me. I could never forgive and forget. I have written about this about two years ago and I mentioned revenge then. The same revenge still boils to this very day. But I’m not stupid enough to neither waste my time on this nor take time to plan the revenge as I have a wonderful life ahead of me. Though the scar is deep, it will eventually fade away. So will the worthless memories of you and the things you did. I hope you are reading this and but I doubt it. But what do I care. I believe in one thing though. What goes around comes around and I know in my heart, this circle will be completed one day and that would be the day, the tiny dot before the circle is completed, would it be hitting back at you. My, I have never hated someone this much before.…And the dragon’s face precisely depicts how I feel right now…;-)
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