Whisper of the heart

Without yourself, you are alone...

Sunday, February 13, 2005


Phew Phew Phew..And im saying that for a number of reasons..

First reason:He was discharged today morning..And i'm so glad..glad beyond description.

Second reason:I went to visit him at the hospital yesterday and that was my first encounter with his family. Luckily Nalin was there to ease the tension. And beleive me, i enjoyed myself being in their company. It was like we had known each other for a long time. Even the dad whom i had always been scared of was pretty jovial and was teasing me and nalin. I 'kena kutuk' most of the time especially about my driving skills.Cis, major embarassment :-) I miss them now..:-( and him too :-( And girls out there, beware..don't ever bring your best gal pal along when u visit your future in-laws. i made a big mistake by bringing Nalin, he he!. His mother actually called me while i was walking out and said, "Nalin very sweet ah.."..Grrr...but i guess we are even coz when i visited Nalin's future in-laws, his mother liked meeeeeeeeee..so Nalin..how about switching? hmmm??..he he!:-P Glad you came, girl..

Third reason:Since the hospital was in the island, i had to drive over the bridge the first time with Nalin as my guide. With the CNY mood, the bridge was packed and to add to the pain, there were two accidents on the same stretch..Done with that, we reached the island, took the wrong turning and reached some unidentified remote area and unable to stop anywhere or spot any familiar building, i just followed whichever car that caught my eyes..first was a kancil, next was a mercedes, followed by a wira and then i was completely, totally lost. he he! Then somehow managed to come back to the same route and Nalin, i guess i better just pen this down la..sorry to break the pact, we took the wrong route to make a 'U' turn and i had to take the longest 'U' turn in my life. Yep, the route took me straight back to the bridge, i had to go back to the mainland, U turn and come back to the toll, pay RM 7 again, face the traffic again and finally reached the island AGAIN and managed to get to the hospital..Phew!! and all the while, me and Nalin were laughing like two old fools in the car...adui! My leg hurts with all the clutch pressing.:-(

I had a great week..And now, it's back to work again tomorrow..and no more long stretch of holidays..until a few more months..sigh!

To everyone out there..advanced HAPPY VALENTINE's wishes!!