Whisper of the heart

Without yourself, you are alone...

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Rant and rattle of the week

i attended my first Toastmasters meeting on Tuesday this week. it was a wonderful experience and i truly enjoyed it. for those of u who dont know, Toastmasters is an international public speaking club. they have different sets of manuals that each member have to go through to attain the skill of public speaking. my boss invited me to come as a guest for the meeting in my company and since im interested, next Friday she will take me to the meeting in Kulim Golf's Club and i shall join in there as a member...he ha! cant wait! i found out something during the meeting, that is one of the senior staff in my company, about 50 years of age sleeps hugging a koala bear doll...hehehe! and since that day,everytime i see him,i cant help but ask,"Sir,how's ur koala bear?" and he will start hitting his head with his hand:D

i got my new PC now..no need to suffer with Pentium 2 anymore...i set spidy as my wallpaper and since that day,i have become famous:)) The Assistant Manager sitting beside me came and told me yesterday,"people are asking me how come i have got a spiderman sitting beside me"..My boss asked me to email her the wallpaper..and another Manager in my department came and asked me where i got it from..hmmm...spiderman is really helping me with my public relations in the company..way to go spidy:D

the other trainee working with me left yesterday..im pretty sad..she was such a nice girl,gonna miss her so much..they gave her a watch and a keychain..i wonder what they will give me? keeping my fingers crossed for a new polyphonic handphone..dream on girl:D

work pretty much increased for the week..tonnes to do next week too...getting close to my boss,she even help me to look for jobs..wonderful..:)