Stop Taxi! is a blog by a woman taxi driver in NYC. Well, who would have thought about life from a taxi driver’s perspective? Been reading this one the whole day and thanking discreetly for our custom of not tipping for any service especially taxis since I rely on it most of the time…Try I might but could not manage to agree with her irritation for not getting a decent tip…but then again, what would I know? I’m not behind the wheel. Makes me feel grateful for my desk job but I most definitely wouldn’t say no for a one day stint as a woman taxi driver and meet the loons and croons of Malaysia.
Speaking of taxis, for my short stay (so far) in KL, I have seen a variety of taxi drivers, mostly very nice ones, friendly and all. There are some rude ones too, out to spoil my day. Not that I expect to be treated like royalty but some amount of courtesy is expected. Rotten ones aside, most of them are extremely nice and they charge me very ‘nicely’ too. :-(
Unrelated. Ate way too much last night and woke up in pain. I’m currently making peace with my stomach by allowing only organic food into my mouth. Lunch was just fruits and yogurt but I couldn’t resist a cup of coffee from the machine.
I want to write more about work but since the day I discovered the two blogs, I am forced to think twice and be doubly wary of what I write.
Anyway, I’ll link up all these new blogs in my site. Enjoy reading!
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