Banana story

Sometimes I don’t understand how such a simple remark can be blown out of proportions.
It’s fine if it is direct, where I could justify my actions. Then it went to personal attacks and then followed by additions by people who were not involved in the first place. More links. More sly personal attacks.
Well, labeling a person immature, backwards, culture shocked etc is very easy, coming from people who first made a stand by saying it’s wrong to be judgmental. It wont take long for me to do it too, but I don’t wish to do it because the whole issue seems to be inane.
I can think I’m the angel and you are the devil. And you can do the same. And we can keep contradicting each other until we run out of space. In the end, there’s no one there to prove who is right and who is wrong and we ourselves are not going to change our minds.
I do remember long time ago, about 5 years back; someone used a real bad sentence that made me cry followed by another girl. I hated the sentence and I still hate it now. If that makes me immature, then be it.
It’s like making a stand that I hate bananas. I tried eating it but it tasted horrible. Then came a group of people who say, she must be stupid and shallow for hating bananas. When I made my stand, they got mad. Then they started chanting banana banana banana in any space right under my nose. Then came people who say, ‘She thinks she is helluva great,innocent,frilly, acting goody-goody and all coz she hates bananas.’'If the whole world loves bananas, she should love it too.'[This reminds me of a proverb/saying in Tamil]
I never made any stand which said, ‘I hate people who love bananas nor did I say I think people who love bananas are dumb.’ Never too did I say, ‘I’m great coz I hate bananas.’ And for those who wanted me to love bananas, I simply refused.
And when I did that…I was told if I hate bananas, and can’t force myself to like it, go make my stand elsewhere where other people can’t hear/know-about it. Sometimes I do wonder if I was wrong but then again when I think about it, at least I didn’t pretend that I love bananas and then spit it out when no one is looking. Besides, all my justifications were directed without a veil.
Whatever la…you can even start a petition about my statement and get the whole world to sign against me. You can label me anything you wish until you run out of words from the dictionary or you can even start a whole new issue out of this post and make remarks again and attack my character. I don’t really care also and I won’t be doing anything about it coz all I think is the whole issue is silly especially coming from people whom earlier,I thought were my friends(few,not all).
And yeah, I still hate bananas especially pisang emas, ick!
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