Good evening

8.30 am: I just discovered something. If you keep looking at the yawning smiley icon in Yahoo! Messenger, you feel sleepy yourself.
Big discovery huh?
I’m damn sleepy now.
Well, weekend was great. I went home. Had a wonderful time with my family. Took them to Pizza. I know what you are saying, ‘What? Just pizza?’…Well, with my meager ½ month paycheck, I could only afford that for now…=)
6.30 pm: Oh yeah, the new vendor guys arrived and the work is so far fun albeit complicating. And yes, the coffee in the new office is so thick and yummy…
I guess for two weeks I would be fully occupied but I ain’t complaining. No idea why. It’s fun.
But let’s not gush too much…who knows what tomorrow might hold.
The first Monday I’m actually having fun at work…
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