End of part time career
Today was the end of my dramatic two weeks long career as a babysitter. The mum came home today and took the girls back.
I'm kinda relieved,kinda sad. They were quite a handful but were also extremely charming at times, especially when the 3 yr old swishes her gown, flashes her smile and says, 'Look, i'm cinne-lela' (that's her version of cinderella)
Ahhh...thinking about them just stirs an ancient feeling in my heart. Just today, the 3 yr old was sitting in one corner, and hit her hand on her forehead saying, kalele kalele kalele (that's 'kadavule' in tamil, 'god' in english) and i asked her, 'you get fed 3 times a day, someone bathes you, you can do whatever you want and you have nothing to do or study in particular, why on earth are you calling god for?'. She just looked at me for a second, flashed her million dollar smile and ran away, laughing.
Kids! Can't beleive i was like that at one point..Okay, i'm not gonna become teary eyed and get all moppy about it. Another life awaits on wednesday..well, wish me luck! :)
I'm kinda relieved,kinda sad. They were quite a handful but were also extremely charming at times, especially when the 3 yr old swishes her gown, flashes her smile and says, 'Look, i'm cinne-lela' (that's her version of cinderella)
Ahhh...thinking about them just stirs an ancient feeling in my heart. Just today, the 3 yr old was sitting in one corner, and hit her hand on her forehead saying, kalele kalele kalele (that's 'kadavule' in tamil, 'god' in english) and i asked her, 'you get fed 3 times a day, someone bathes you, you can do whatever you want and you have nothing to do or study in particular, why on earth are you calling god for?'. She just looked at me for a second, flashed her million dollar smile and ran away, laughing.
Kids! Can't beleive i was like that at one point..Okay, i'm not gonna become teary eyed and get all moppy about it. Another life awaits on wednesday..well, wish me luck! :)
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