Whisper of the heart

Without yourself, you are alone...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Story: The beginning

She sat in the corner wondering where she went wrong. She wondered where it all began…


It was the month of August. Yes, she remembered it now. It was vivid. He was walking down the marble stairs of the police station clutching an official looking documents. She was climbing up the stairs to lodge a complain. Her small apartment down in the suburb was ransacked the night before, leaving her almost penniless except for a meager amount in the bank. It was her fault, she knew very well. Being almost lazy to do official transactions, she kept her savings in a small, almost rusty square tin given by her childhood friend a long time ago.

When she saw the mess in her house, she almost sighed a breath of relief. The tin was so rusty, she assumed the thief would have ignored it but it was right before her eyes fell on the mantelpiece where that tin was placed, always. It was almost assuring for her to see it everyday when she comes home, thinking that would be the money she would be using for her marriage when she finally finds that someone. Assuring until that day, when her frantic eyes began looking for the tin. The mantelpiece was empty. Empty. As empty has the hollow that her heart has seemed to sunk in suddenly. She almost felt like kicking herself in the rear.

It was that evening when she rushed to the police station to lodge a report and she saw him. Men don’t usually interest her, except those who look like Roman gods, but this one held her attention even though her mind was half mad wondering how she would find all that stolen money.

He had an unusual gait. Slow, steady, patient, like time was his slave. He didn’t exactly resemble a Roman God but he oozed charm which held her enchanted for a moment. There was slight arrogance in him which usually repels her had it been some other man but this one provoked her interest and curiosity. She was piqued at herself for her foolishness. She was there for a serious issue. It wasn’t the right time to ogle at some stranger, albeit a charming one.

She tore her gaze away and walked up the steps, holding a breath as she drew near him. His scent was over powering. Masculine yet gentle. She stopped and stared. She couldn’t resist. The temptation was too strong.


-to be continued